hey davey its chase. i just got done listening to your voice mails and its fun to hear all you are doing. 3rd quarter for school just got over and we are going up north tomorrow to spend spring break up there. have you heard about any mission calls? a lot of the high school kids are getting there calls. BK is going to Moscow Russia and there are like 15 more but i dont know them all and i dont know if you know the guys. But BK is the only one from 9th ward so far
i don't know any of them haha but dang that is a crazy mission call he will do great how are you doing bro?
good. we have our priest quorum trip to california on may 27 so that will be fun. everything is going good. i just got done with preference and senior ball is in april so that will be fun.
that is so awesome bro i love ya!
thanks this week at school is BOTS week and i am sure the guys will win even though they rig it to the girls. we have so many funny posters and stuff. they have different activities throughout the week worth different amounts of points and on wednesday there is a ping pong tournament against boys and girls and it is worth the most points out of everything and im pretty sure the guys will win. i am going to enter and see if i can beat out some girls... which i will ha.
no way haha we have got to play some ping pong when i get home your probably will beat me since i haven't played! but i loved bots week it is the best how is your scripture reading and preparing for a mission and everything going?
well i read every night and i have been going to mission prep where we learn and we roleplay so we are like the missionaries and the teachers pretend to be investigators
ya i role play every morning! it is so important your awesome chase! keep it up
Hey are you on. How are you doing? I am at work and it is crazy busy!
i am doing great i love being a missionary i just sent the voicemails!
They just came through. I won't be able to listen to them until I get home, I'm bummed. The boys and I will be heading up north tomorrow after I get done with work. It is spring break and I was able to get off a few days from work. Dad got us tickets to the Jazz and I'm not sure what else we will do but just relax and enjoy Dad, Katelynn, and Jeff.
that sounds so much fun and hey mom you did not need to send me all that stuff from melaluca i love the protein and the granola bars but the other stuff i don't need i have plenty! so please if you are ever going to send me anything just do protein bars and don't spend so much money! i am doing great here i love you and thank you so much.
That is a Mom's privilege to spend on her boy ;)
Your brothers are putting the phone up to your voicemails and I just got done with Monday and Tuesday. I'm sorry you aren't feeling well, but happy you are having success.
I will try to remember the protein bars and drinks.
You sound so good!! I heard from Rachel Burnett that you gave her a blessing. She didn't go into details but did express her appreciation for you and be willing to share your priesthood with her.
ha i love you so much mom but the money can go to a better cause! ha and ya it was really cool and by the way i am getting transferred this wednesday in the voicemails is when it explains where i am going so you have to wait to hear!
The boys let me listen to the third one and I found out. How do you feel about being moved and new responsibilities? Will it be more busy then you have been know?
ya it will be way more busy haha it will be great though
Good positive attitude, I like it!
I'm home know and I get to start packing for going up north.
The house is clean and the boys aren't fighting do they must of had a good day ;)
It is hard to leave them home all day alone and on a vacation week. They are sure good about me working.
So, today is Tuesday, March 4, it's in the night time. I am going to try and start doing this every night and do a little recording of what happened during the day. Well as of yesterday, preparation day, we uh...since I wasn't feeling too well, I was kinda under the weather, we played a board game called Risk. It's a really fun board game. So that was a lot of fun. Then we had dinner at the Brunswick's house which is a member family and which they're really awesome. We tried to set up a member home lesson with one of our investigators but it didn't really work so we just went and taught a new member lesson to Joseph Kiddo, my last recent convert. But today, Tuesday, we had a lesson with Adrian and he's doing really awesome. He relapsed on the Word of Wisdom so his baptismal date is gonna have to get pushed again. Which stinks...we keep having good lessons with him, so... He's going to get baptized but he just needs to... it's just going to take more time for him. We'll just keep giving him love and righteous pressure and different things. We also taught Dathan. Dathan's awesome. He uh, he's ready to get baptized. We taught him in a member's home with two members there and we taught him the law of chastity incorporated with the plan of salvation - just the first half though - we didn't teach too much. But um, he's really awesome...committed him to live it and yea, he's going to get baptized on the 15th of March. He's still looking good for that. And then we had dinner with the Woodbury's. They're related to Mrs. Woodbury, my second grade teacher. Yea, they have like a picture of her and everything. And so they know her, I don't know if I told you that before. But yea, it's brother and sister Woodbury, we had dinner with them. We had pizza. They just always cook us pizza cause they're lazy but they're so fun. And then we found two new investigators at the institute when we went down there for a lesson and it fell through. There were some kids playing some games and we challenged them and talked to them and they're both Orthodox and from Ethiopia. But they're really cool and we have a lesson with them again this Thursday so, it should be good. Yea, tonight was just a really great night. We taught five quality lessons and found two new investigators, so that was our night. Love you all...that was Tuesday and Monday, bye bye.
Allright, this is Elder Moss and I'm recording this for the last few days, Wednesday, Thursday, and today Friday. So Wednesday we had a zone meeting and it started at 10:30 in the morning; Elder Gain and I, we give the training at zone meeting. It was really awesome. We also had our Stake President, President Ness, he came and he did, just kinda like said some few remarks at the beginning, so that went well. I gave a training on talking with everyone. And Elder Gain gave a training on working with the members, they were both really good. Then we went and taught Adrian, again, we are trying to teach him everyday. He's living the Word of Wisdom right now. But he still has trouble with different things. And then we went and taught Jordan, who's a less active, who's going to be coming back to church. We're helping her along. And then we had FHE that night. And it was awesome. We were doing the opening exercises before Family Home Evening and we had two non-members, two of our investigators, Joseph and Daniel, the were there and they were sitting on both sides of me and we go to sing the hymn and I pull out my little small Hymnbook and they have no clue what the song is and so they are like leaning over me like to see the little words and they just sound horrible singing. We were all just like totally off key. And it was just so funny. It was a good time. I'll remember that for awhile. So that was my Wednesday. So my Thursday, we taught Adrian again. We taught Dathan, Dathan is still looking good for the 15th. We had dinner with Dennis, he's an awesome member, he'll be leaving pretty soon. Then we had a really strong, we set up a really spiritual lesson, and had it with one of our members and set up a mission plan with them. Then we also taught Joseph and Daniel again. It's just been a really good week so far. Today we, today's Friday, and we met with...we'll we are actually on an exchange right now and I'm with Elder Larsen. He's just awesome, I love him so much. And we are on exchanges right now. We went and taught Vanessa. She's a former investigator. And before we were on exchanges we went and taught Adrian and Kalley. And so we're working really good right now in the Academy ward for what we're working with and we're just seeing miracles everyday. And so nothing to complain about. Um, so, yea, love you all. have a great night, bye bye.
Hi, this is Elder Moss again. Um, I totally just spaced it. But um, we just got done tonight and while we were planning President Gelwix called me and he asked to speak with me privately. I am now, I just got released as a zone leader so I am no longer a zone leader. But then president called me to be a trainer. And so I'm going to be training again and I'm going to be a district leader and I'm going to be opening up a new area. And so I got a lot on my plate right now. So keep me in your prayers, it should be really good. I'm really excited for it. It will be a good change. I'm going to work my stinkin' hardest. (Voice in the background) Hey, I love you Elder Moss's family he's awesome. See, Elder Larsen, I told you at the beginning, he's the best. So, yea. I thought I'd just mention that and let you all know about it. I'm sure you'll hear more about it as the week goes on. But, yup, have a great day and I love you all, k bye bye.
WHHOOOOEEE! Holy Cow! This is Elder Moss. We just got our transfer calls and I found out where I'm going. Today is Saturday. Saturday evening, it's almost ten o'clock and I just found out I am going to be going up to Modesto North, the Modesto North Zone and I am going to opening up the Modesto North YSA ward. Oh my gosh, I am opening up a stinking YSA. It's going to be so awesome. I am so excited. And I'm a district leader. And I'm training a new missionary. It's, oh my gosh, it's gonna be so much fun. I was kinda bummed at the beginning cause I was leaving a YSA but I'm going to go open one up. It's gonna be awesome. Oh my gosh, I am really happy. It's gonna be super hard and difficult and everything but I know I can do it now. I have total conviction that we're gonna be working hard but we are gonna be doing work and it's gonna be awesome. Yea, our day was great today. We just got done with our exchange and we exchanged back. We had dinner with our investigator Zena and she's doing good, she's gonna get baptized soon, but she still just doesn't know when. I'm leaving Academy this coming Wednesday and it's gonna be great, I'm really excited. Well I'm not excited to leave this area, I've been here for awhile. It's gonna be great cause I'm leaving it strong and there a lot of people that are going to be getting baptized soon. I'll hopefully get to come back and see them. Yea, so, I'm just really excited and I love you all. Thought I'd give you the good news, I'm going up to Modesto North to open up a new YSA. All right, love you, bye bye.
All right, so it is Sunday night and this is Elder Moss. Just giving you the low down on what happened today. So, the whole ward found out that I was leaving and they were just like freaking out. They're gonna miss me a lot but It'll be good. We had church today and we had one investigator show up and one who was a former showed up. Dathan came to church so he's still on track for his baptism. And yea, it was pretty cool. And then we had dinner with the Petriges clear out in Sanger and then we went back and went to a homecoming of a missionary that was in our ward and so we went and said hi just for a little bit. And then we went and tried to contact a girl that we found, well she wasn't home but while we were trying to contact her this kid came up and talked to him and he invited us into his house to eat food and we go in and we find out that he is from Saudia Arabia and he's a Muslim and everyone there, that's living there, is Muslim. And so we teach them, we talked to them and we had a really good discussion. And Muslim's... they're crazy, but these guys were really respectful, nice, and genuine and it was just a really good discussion we had with each other. So, I taught three Muslims tonight. It was crazy, but we do have to report it to president cause technically we are not suppose to teach Muslims without his approval but it was kinda like a spur of the moment type thing, so yea. It was a really cool experience tonight, but um. So, that is pretty much all we did today. I'm just talking to everyone and we see miracles, even those of crazy faith and religions we were able to teach, I mean it was like teaching to a brick wall, but we had a discussion and they asked us questions. They told us what they believed and everything so it was a really good discussion and it was really worth it. Hopefully some good will come out of it. They were great guys, all YSA. So yea, but, I love you all and you're going to be getting this tomorrow and I hope you have a great day, well a great night, I'm gonna go to bed now. All right, love you all, bye bye.