Davey sent a lot of photos and a video and it took quite awhile to download them all so we didn't get week 17 posted last week. As such, we posted last week and this week together again.
Week 18:
Did you get the video downloaded last week.
We did, we loved watching it.
i thought you would like the bloopers one did you all laugh? explain to me all that happened when you saw it!
We just all gathered round and were watching and making comments on you, we laughed when certain things came up. You and Fiahoi (I don't know how you spell it) were definetley the most funny.
haha ya i thought you would like it ha i have the dvd copy i will send it home to you
OK, we'll put it with your stuff. We got a new bishopric yesterday. Paul Hurt is Bishop, Robert Ence 1st Counselor, and Glen Kelsch is 2nd counselor
no way that is so awesome! hey you should all read and have them read the talk by president Henry B. Erying titled We Are All One in the conference ensign
So i got my new companion his name is Elder Derek Lord he is from bountiful utah and has a track scholarship to BYU! he is 6'2'' and just awesome he is like my brother and he is so handsome he is only 18 years old and just awesome i love him so much it is kinda frustrating correcting him on worldly things at times though but it is good. we are growing so much together and like you know we have a baptism this coming saturday! i hope all is well back at home i thank you all for all your prayers i can really feel them and i thank you so much for them! so everything has been going good this week we have had a lot of meetings all day because of me being a trainer i went to the temple on wednesday and received a lot of information and revalation for my trainee. then on thursday we got assigned them and it was way cool i picked him out before i was assigned to him. and then of course the 4th of july was good! we arent allowed to drive or walk or bike past 6pm so we had members take us and so my companions first day he went to a members home and they do something pretty funny they smashed his face into some cupcakes and whip cream haha then we went to an investigators house which he has some crazy fireworks his family is super rich so they spent over 600 dollars on fireworks and they were way good! ha but ya that was my week!
Well congratulations...Trainer! Elder Lord sounds like he is more your style than the other two. You now set the tone for the rest of his mission. What you teach and model for him is what he will do. It is a big responsibility but one that you are up to I know; your president knows also or he wouldn't have picked you for that awesome responsibility. Just remember to always stay busy on the Lord's errand. Doesn't mean you can't have fun and can't take a day (P-Day) to rest from being busy, but stay busy and you will be blessed.
ya i know it is going to be great and we are going to work hard!
Grandma and Grandpa are in the MTC today. Did I give you their email addresses?
nope you didn't
They are pretty easy: david.moss@myldsmail.net and janiel.moss@myldsmail.net. They are staying at a Marriott in Provo during the 11 days they are doing training at the MTC and then they drive to Fargo, ND.
I get to finally email you after a bit. Sorry for no being better at this lately, been kinda busy lol! Like mom said, I just bought my wedding dress! I have less than 3 weeks and Im getting hitched! Im excited! I am also receiving my endowments in 2 weeks! Cant wait for that! Already have my recommend and just waiting! Wish you could be here, but Im glad youre on your mission! So it is an okay thing! Anyway, thats all! For now! Love ya lots baby brother!
that is so cool and hey when you go through the temple and it gets to the point that since your getting your own endowments out then when tell you to do some crazy stuff just dont freak out and go along with it. ;) haha just playing love ya sis! i am happy for you!
Thanks davey! I am excited too! I know you will be there in spirit ;) and I will make sure I think of you when weird things happen lol! JK! Keep strong and keep up all this amazing work you are doing! I love you so much! tata
Hi Davey I saw the video of you and every one else it was funny and cool I liked the one part of you when you talked to the statue of the doll!
hahaha that was pretty cool huh! she was baptized later (we threw her in the pool) haha how are ya buddy?!
Im good. i have started to read my scriptures every night and read my book every day. I was wondering how you are doing on your mission. do you ike the food you get?
ha ya i am still in the united states so the food is great and that is so good that you are reading your scriptures i just finished the BOM again a couple days ago it is so awesome i love it! i am doing great on my mission keep it up and keep working hard!
ya thanks and hop that you can make it out of your mission. haha
Yeh, how are you? Had dad already told you we have a new bishopbric?
ya he did that is awesome! how are you mom?!
Doing really good. Katelynn and I just got done buying her wedding dress. It is so wonderful to know that I have such good kids, one who will be married in the temple and one who is serving his Lord and my other two kids at home are doing everything that they are supposed to be doing (reading their scriptures and saying their prayers). I love how dad does scripture study, we each take turns reading about what we were reading in our personal scripture study. Brayden's turn was yesterday and he taught us about what he learned in primary. He was so excited to learn about how there are 3 kingdoms - he really got it! It was so cool.
It is so wonderful that you have a companion you get along with!!! This makes me feel really good that my boy is happy!!!
haha i have learned so much stuff about the gospel and i cant wait to share with you all all about my knowledge and everything i have learned it is crazy i love it so much and it sounds like you are having fun. i love you mom and really thank you for all you do your the best example to me.
Week 17:
so somethign that happened this week! i cast out an evil spirit out of my companion the other day haha that was scary but such a testimony builder! and i made a missionary video for some youth fire side in New Zeland! that was so much fun to do, youll have to check it out on you tube! everything is great i will be training this coming transfer so i get a fresh new companion right out of the MTC! i love you hope all is well i pray for everyone everyday love elder moss church is true!
We didn't receive anything on the video so that we could watch it. I searched on YouTube and couldn't find one relating to New Zeland and Fresno missionaries.
Did you tell your mission president about the evil spirit? That sounds serious.
Congrats on becoming a trainer, we will be praying extra hard for you so you can know what to do to teach, inspire, and make an impact on your greenie.
you should have recieved an email with a link on it to the video. and i am super excited to be a trainer thank you for praying for me!
Was the link from you or someone else? I don't know of an email with a link to the video. I'll check the trash/spam folders.
What about your companion and this evil spirit?
ya it wasn't from me it was from a family so it won't be from me but from a different family. and idk what else to tell you about it ha it was crazy! but i cast it out in the name of jesus christ and by the priesthood
What was he doing? How did you know it was an evil spirit? What did he say after?
he was shaking uncontrollable and saying real soft help there is something in me and you just know i cant explain it and after he stood up and threw up all this nasty stuff and stopped shaking and said thank you to me.
That is so cool!
ya it was a testimony builder but did you find the link yet?
No, I looked in the spam folder and there is no email with a link.
Mom wants to know if you got her letter?
nope i havent got her letter yet
Ill let her know. She sent you an email yesterday and you didn't reply to it but to mine and Chases and Brayden's and she commented that you didn't reply to her.
How hot has it been there. We saw that it looked like about 110 degrees, aren't you glad you're in a car? We have been 115 degrees for the last few days. We are breaking records for June as it usually doesn't get that hot till the end of July.
ya sorry i didn't reply how is everything are you getting the photos i am sending?! and ya it is hot but i am used to it it gets triple digits everyday
yep the photos are coming in. This is mom I kicked dad off ;) The photos look great, you must of had a fun time.
oh ya it was great i loved it! how are you how is the family what has been going on?
I am glad you get to go and have fun on your P-days. Why are you able to write today? We are just trying to get everything done for the wedding. We are planning what we are going to be doing on the 4th. What are your plans?
becasue yesterday we couldn't so we are today. and we are going to members homes and an investigators house!
You said you were having a baptism, how is that investigator coming?
Grandma and Grandpa had a fire at their house yesterday. It is so hot that Grandpa was cooking a steak and normally the garage doesn't get too hot but it did and caught fire where he has his BBQ. Two fire trucks came. Grandpa was able to get it out before they arrived so it wasn't too bad.
he is coming great the baptism is on the 13th and wait shoot how bad is it?!
That is awesome, so next week you'll be having a baptism! We haven't actually seen the fire. I'm sure is isn't to bad. The family is doing great! Chase is really liked at Tuacahn and is a hard worker. Brayden is still growing, he started reading his scriptures at night. It is so wonderful to have your children growing in the gospel. We haven't decided what 4th of July activity we will do. We thought fishing in the morning and then go to Lins for their breakfast. Maybe later that day the boys and dad will have a barbaque (I have to work). Then fireworks at Coombs. Do you have any plans for the 4th of July?
yup we will! that is so good to hear about chase and brayden and that sounds like a lot of fun for the 4th sorry you have to work that stinks but your amazing mom for doing that i always have looked up to you and all you do. and for the 4th of july i get my new companion who is going to be my trainee then we will be in a meeting all day then we will head to a members home for food then to an investigators house alec's the one who is getting baptized for fireworks and on the 4th we get to stay out till 10pm so that is kinda cool!
So, your comp will be gone for the baptism huh? Is he bummed about that? Transfers are that soon huh? So, your comp is leaving on the 4th and you're getting a greenie. Why do you know so soon? I am so excited for you!
ya he will be and he is super bummed! adn my compaion leaves on the 3rd i so that day i am going to be at the temple all day with all the other trainers so that is super cool. we have 17 missionaries leaving this transfer and 34 coming into the mission.
Oh how very cool. I am so excited for you. I have to go to work now. I have to be there at 1pm. I love you. Thank you for your example.
your awesome i hope you all will get to see the video we made for that fireside and maybe if you ever want to use it in a missionary lesson or anything then do it! but just the 5 min video not the other one cuz thats the one with all the bloopers and and everything haha
ok dad so i sent you 12 different emails with 3 pictures on each one so i hope you like that! let me know if you got all of them or not
I haven't counted the number of pics in each email but I have 12 emails from you with attachments.
ok and ya each email should have 3 pictures on it each
I just got an email from Rachel Burnett about the video.
ya she is a member go check it out there should be two videos or two parts the first part is like 5 mins about long and that is the one that is being used for the fireside then the other one is jsut bloopers and other things we tried ha
I'm on my phone now because I had to log into her account (I had to hack it as it asked for personal info on her because I am looking in from a strange location) to download it.
ok so have you watched it or are you downloading it or what is happening
I've downloaded half of the short one.
alright ya download them both you should love them ha let me know when you have watched them and what you think of them both
We are watching the short one now
tell me what you think
Loved it! Your voice sounds really deep
ha i am maturing haha are you downloading the other one?
ok well i got to get going but i love you all and let me know what you think of the two videos! have a great week love ya! i pray for you everyday!
some big trees!
Elder Fisi'hoi and i and
the rest of the gang in the the background thats the family that went with us
to the sequoia's they are the Burnetts
went upside down in a
hole of a tree
this red plant is a
plant that if you pick or touch it is a 10,000 dollar fine!
this is our zone
this is alec
the investigator that is getting baptized
this is our district